Courses are organized by theme. Many of these classes are not offered each semester. Students are responsible to compare the approved course list with the class catalog to fulfill their major/minor requirements. If students find a suitable course not included on this list please visit with the PCS Academic Advisor for a course exception.
Peace And Conflict Studies Summer 2024 Courses
PCS 4800 The Integrative Seminar
Approved in academic year 2014-15, this one-credit upper-division class is a required course for all entering P&CS Minors and Majors. The purpose of the seminar is to create a “brave” space where students can identify and creatively express the skills, knowledge, and values that they have developed during their academic career. The class will be “flipped” so that most class time is devoted to dialogue. In response to materials posted on canvas, students will participate in identifying and facilitating in-class conversations.
The course assignment is an Electronic Portfolio (or e-Portfolio) in which students create documents that summarize what they learned in their university coursework, and that demonstrate who they are. Each e-Portfolio is unique, and may include such digitalized artifacts as a resume; reflections and expressions of learned knowledge, skills, and values; and multi-media recordings and artwork that represent professional and personal self. Students will get instructions and assistance in creating their e-portfolios, and students can build upon existing materials they have already created. This portfolio becomes a working document that students take with them throughout their professional career, and can use in applications for graduate programs, grants, and jobs.
Capstone Courses
This 3-credit course is designed to provide majors with a capstone experience of their
34-credit hour major,
and touch on the seven PCS themes:
- Conflict and Collaboration in Multiple Contexts
- Dialogue and Diversity
- Global Justice
- Human Rights
- Communication Process Skills
- Social Activism
- Global Security
The themes are reviewed and integrated along several lines of synthesis to allow students to make explicit their understandings of how their majors complement the diverse ways peace-work and conflict-resolving projects are being pursued locally and globally.
The objective of this course is to provide the student with an opportunity to write a PCS major paper that synthesizes the student's course work, integrates the student's work in wider local and global initiatives, directs the student's focus forward toward the next steps of career building, and specifies the most important lessons learned while pursuing their major.
Resource materials include all of the student's written work, self-evaluations of their experiential/performance/communication skills work, guest lecturers, Q&A open forums, texts and films.
Conflict Resolution Courses
CMP 4600 The Just City (3) (DV)
COMM 1270 Analysis of Argument (3) (QB) (HF)
COMM 3030 Comm & Social Responsibility (3) (CW) (HF)
COMM 5200 Persuasion & Political Communication (3)
ETHNC 5420 Race Disability Illness (3)
ETHNC 5540 Communication & Race (3)
FCS 3270 Parenting (3)
FCS 3290 Race, Ethnicity & Family (4)
FCS 5230 Adolescence (3)
FCS 5370 Family Violence (3) (CW)
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3)
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control (3)
SOC 3561 Criminology (3)
SOC 3562 Juvenile Delinquency (3)
SOC 3565 Women and Crime (3) (DV)
COMM 1270 Analysis of Argument
COMM 3150 Argu., Conflict, Dialog
COMM 3190 Intercultural Comm
CRIM 3561 Criminology
FCS 3290 Ethnic Minority Families
FCS 3450 Family Economic Issues
FCS 5370 Family Violence
FCS 5380 Family Problems
HIST 4630 History of Sexuality in America
HONOR 3214 Civil Rights Law
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict
PHIL 3500 Ethics
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy
PSY 3450 Cross Cultural Psych
SOC 3020 Social Psychology
SOC 3561 Criminology
SOC 3562 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 3568 Sociology of Law
SW 1010 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare
ANTH 4182 Anthropology of Power (3)
BIOL 5320 The Biology of Aggression (3)
COMM 1270 Analysis of Argument (3) (QB) (HF)
COMM 3070 Communication & Gender (3) (DV)
COMM 3330 Negotiation & Interviewing (3), F, Sp, Su
COMM 3490 Comm & Public Issues (3)
COMM 5150 Dialogue & Cultural Studies (3), F
COMM 5200 Persuasion & Political Communication (3)
COMM 5270 Theories of Argument (3), F, Sp
ENGL 5060 Studies in Rhetoric & Style (3)
ETHNC 3400 Intercultural Communication (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3450 Intergroup Relations: Our Prejudices & Stereotypes (3) (DV)
FCS 3270 Parent-Child Relationships (3)
FCS 3290 Ethnic Minority Families (4)
FCS 5230 Adolescent Development in the Family (3)
FCS 5280 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage (3)
FCS 5370 Family Violence (3) (CW)
FCS 5380 Family Problems (3)
HIST 4630 History of Sexuality in America (3)
HONOR 3214 Foundations in Social Sciences (3) (DV) (BF)
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict (3)
MGT 5810 Managing Diversity in Organizations (3) (CW) (DV)
PHIL 3011 Philosophy of ______, Special Topics (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3) (HF)
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
POLS 5500 The Politics of Public Lands Management (3)
PADM 6322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
PSY 3400 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (3)
PSY 5280 Culture & Diversity (3)
SOC 1020 Current Social Problems in America (3) (BF)
SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control (3)
SOC 3561 Criminology (3)
SOC 3562 Juvenile Delinquency (3)
SOC 3565 Women and Crime (3)
SW 2300 Social Welfare as an Institution (3)
CMP 5370 System Dynamics & Environmental Policy (3)
Social Justice Courses
COMM 3030 Comm & Social Responsibility (3) (CW) (HF)
COMM 5620 International Communication (3) (IR)
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ETHNC 3420 American Racism (3)
ETHNC 4020 Black Feminist Thought (3)
ETHNC 5420 Race Disability Illness (3)
ETHNC 5540 Communication & Race (3)
FCS 3290 Race, Ethnicity&Family (4)
FCS 5390 Gender Race Sexualities (3)
HIST 2100 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (3) (HF)
HIST 4370 History of American Social Movements (3)
HIST 4600 Women in American History to 1870 (3) (DV)
HIST 4700 African American History Since 1890 (3) (DV)
HIST 4710 The Concept of Race in America (3) (DV)
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War (3)
HONOR 3950 Power & Protest in Latin America
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict (3)
PHIL 3011 Philosophy of ______, Special Topics (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3)
PHIL 3640 World Religions (3) (IR) (HF)
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs (3) (IR)
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
POLS 5440 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict (3)
SOC 3380 Social Inequality (DV)
SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control (3)
COMM 3150 Argu., Conflict, Dialog
COMM 3190 Intercultural Comm
COMM 5320 Freedom of Expression
COMM 5540 Communication & Race
COMM 5620 International Communication
CRIM 3561 Criminology
ECON 5170 Feminist Economics
ETHNC 3365 Ethnic Minorities
ETHNC 3520 Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues
ETHNC 3630 Reproductive Justice
ETHNC 3640 Race, Gndr & Incarcerat
ETHNC 3790 Borders & Migration
FCS 3290 Race, Ethinicity, & Family
GNDR 1100 Gender & Social Change
GNDR 3690 Gender & Contemporary Issues
GNDR 3900 Intro Feminist Theories
HIST 4380 U.S. Environmental History
HIST 4630 History of Sexuality in America
HIST 4690 African American History: 1619-1890
HONOR 2010 Art and Social Conflict
HONOR 3700 Legacies of American/Viet War
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict
PHIL 3500 Ethics
PHIL 3530 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 3640 World Religions
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy
PHIL 3710 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs
PHIL 5190/1 Philosophy of…Special Topics
POLS 3025 Democracy Justice
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy
POLS 5450 Political Violence/Terrorism
SOC 3381 Inequal thru Music&Film
SW 1010 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare
COMM 5540 090 Communication & Race
ECON 2040 Pol Eco Race Class Gndr
ECON 6170 Feminist Economics
FCS 2400 090 Modern Family
GNDR 1100001 Gender & Social Change
GNDR 3110090 Women Cross Culturally
HONOR 2810 (En)gendered Ideas
POLS 3220 Juris of Criminal Law
SOC 3337 090 Gender & Sexuality
SW 3400090 Impact of Child Abuse
ARTH 3010 Art and Conflict
COMM 3190 Intercultural Comm
COMM 3490 Gender at Work
COMM 5540 Communication & Race
COMM 5620 International Communication (IR)
CRIM 3811 Refugees
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ETHNC 3420 American Racism
FCS 2400 Modern Family
FCS 3290 Ethnic Minority Families (4)
FCS 3420 Housing Policy & Issues
FCS 5390 Gender and Minorities Across the Lifespan (DV)
GNDR 1100 Gender & Social Change
GNDR 3100 Medusa and Manifestos
GNDR 3110 Women Cross Culturally
GNDR 3380 Social Inequality
GNDR 3500 Where We Stand
HIST 4310 Gender/Power Latin Amer
HIST 4310 Gender & Power in Latin America
HIST 4610 Women in American History since 1870 (DV)
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War
HIST 4990 Capitalism & Its Critics
HONOR 3214 Foundations in Social Sciences (DV) (BF)
PHIL 3080 Phil Issues Feminism
PHIL 3500 Ethics (HF)
PHIL 3530 Environmental Ethics (HF)
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy (HF)
PHIL 3870 Philosophy of Race
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy
PSY 3260 Social Development
PSY 3450 Cross Cultural Psych
SOC 3337 Gender & Sexuality
SOC 3380 Social Inequality (DV)
SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control
SOC 3565 Women & Crime
SOC 3769 Disparities in Health
SW 2500 Soc Wk in Crim Justice
SW 2715 Dynamics of Addiction
SW 3400 Impact of Child Abuse
ANTH 4141 Ethnicity and Nationalism (3)
CMP 5350 Public Lands & Environmental Policy (3)
CMP 5350 Public Lands & Environmental Policy (3)
CMP 5370 System Dynamics & Environmental Policy (3)
COMM 3070 Communication & Gender (3) (DV), F, SP, Su
COMM 3330 Negotiation & Interviewing (3), F, Sp, Su
COMM 3490 Comm & Public Issues (Special Topics — May be taken 2 times for credit) (3), variable
COMM 5150 Dialogue & Cultural Studies (3), F
COMM 5320 Freedom of Expression (3)
COMM 5340 Communication & Law (3)
COMM 5350 Ethical Practices of Communication (3)
COMM 5360 Environmental Communication (3)
COMM 5620 International Communication (3) (IR)
ECON 1060 The Political Economy of Race, Ethnicity, Class & Gender (3) (DV)
ECON 5120 Labor Law & Collective Bargaining (3)
ECON 5170 Feminist Economics (3) (DV)
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ETHNC 2020 Social & Psychological Aspects of the African American Experience (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3190 Racial & Ethnic Politics (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3400 Intercultural Communication (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3420 American Racism (3)
ETHNC 3520 Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues (3) (DV)
ETHNC 4560 Chicano Civil Rights Movement (3)
ETHNC 4600 Asian Pacific American History (3) (DV)
FCS 3290 Ethnic Minority Families (4)
FCS 5390 Gender and Minorities Across the Lifespan (3) (DV)
GNDR 3690 Gender & Contemporary Issues (3) (DV) (HF or BF)
HIST 2100 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (3) (HF)
HIST 4105 Medieval Christian Traditions in Practice (3)
HIST 4280 Sex and Gender in Early Modern Europe, 1300-1700 (3)
HIST 4310 Gender & Power in Latin America (3)
HIST 4370 History of American Social Movements (3)
HIST 4380 U.S. Environmental History (3)
HIST 4510 Asia in the World—Special Topics (3)
HIST 4600 Women in American History to 1870 (3) (DV)
HIST 4610 Women in American History since 1870 (3) (DV)
HIST 4630 History of Sexuality in America (3)
HIST 4670 History of Native American Peoples (3) (DV)
HIST 4690 African American History: 1619-1890 (3) (DV)
HIST 4700 African American History Since 1890 (3) (DV)
HIST 4710 The Concept of Race in America (3) (DV)
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War (3)
HIST 4790 American Religions (3) (DV) (HF)
HONOR 3214 Foundations in Social Sciences (3) (DV) (BF)
MGT 4860 Managing Organizational Conflict (3)
MGT 5810 Managing Diversity in Organizations (3) (CW) (DV)
PADM 6322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
PHIL 3011 Philosophy of ______, Special Topics (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3) (HF)
PHIL 3530 Environmental Ethics (3) (HF)
PHIL 3640 World Religions (3) (IR) (HF)
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy (3) (HF)
PHIL 3710 Philosophy of Law (3)
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs (3) (IR)
PHIL 5190 Philosophy of…Special Topics (3)
PHIL 5700 Advanced Political Philosophy (3)
PHIL 5710 International Human Rights (3)
POLS 3000 Liberalism & its Critics (3)
POLS 3250 Gender, Ethics & Public Policy (3)
POLS 3420 Islam and Politics (3)
POLS 3490 Religion & Politics in Comparative Perspective (3)
POLS 3620 United Nations (3)
POLS 5320 Public Policy Theories & Applications (3)
POLS 5322 Environmental & Sustainability Policy (3)
POLS 5440 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict (3)
POLS 5450 Political Violence/Terrorism (3)
POLS 5500 The Politics of Public Lands Management (3)
POLS 5670 US National Security Policy (3)
PSY 5280 Culture & Diversity (3)
SOC 1020 Current Social Problems in America (3) (BF)
SOC 3365 Ethnic Minorities in America (3) (DV) (BF)
SOC 3380 Race/Ethnicity, Class & Gender (DV)
SOC 3560 Deviant Behavior & Social Control (3)
SOC 3564 Locked Up!: Courts & Corrections (3)
SOC 3565 Women & Crime (3)
SW 2300 Social Welfare as an Institution (3)
THEA 3000 Grappling with Diversity & Multiculturalism Through the Arts (3) (DV)
Global Perspectives Courses
COMM 3030 Comm & Social Responsibility (3) (CW) (HF)
COMM 5200 Persuasion & Political Communication (3)
COMM 5300 Mass Communication Law (4)
COMM 5540 Media & Diversity (3) (DV)
COMM 5620 International Communication (3) (IR)
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ENGL 3780 Global/Transnational Literature (3) (IR)
ETHNC 4870 Tribal Histories (3)
ETHNC 5420 Race Disability Illness (3)
ETHNC 5540 Communication & Race (3)
GEOG 3420 Political Geography (3)
HIST 2100 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (3) (HF)
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War (3)
NV SC 2110 Evolution of Warfare (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3) (HF)
PHIL 3640 World Religions (3) (IR) (HF)
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs (3) (IR)
POLS 5440 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict (3)
PSY 3450 Cross Cultural Psych (3) (DV)
SW 3550 Social Diversity and Cultural Understanding (3) (DV)
ANTH 1010 Culture & Human Experience
COMM 3150 Argu., Conflict, Dialog
COMM 3190 Intercultural Communication
COMM 5320 Freedom of Expression
COMM 5540 Communication and Race
COMM 5620 International Communication
ETHNC 3365 Ethnic Minorities
ETHNC 3520 Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues
ETHNC 3790 Borders & Migration
GEOG 3440 Global Economic Geography
GERON5005 Diversity and Aging
GNDR 3900 Intro Feminist Theories
PHIL 3500 Ethics
PHIL 3530 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 3640 World Religions
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy
PHIL 3710 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs
SOC 3568 Sociology of Law
SOC 3650 Population & Society
SW 1010 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare
ARTH 3430 Global Contemporary
COMM 3190 Intercultural Communication (DV)
COMM 5540 Media & Diversity (DV)
COMM 5620 Interntl Communication
COMM 5620 International Communication (IR)
CRIM 3811 Refugees
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ENVST 3364 Global Sustainability
FCS 3370 Parenting & Cultures
GEOG 2050 Environment & Society
GEOG 3440 Global Economic Geography (IR) (BF)
HIST 3210 Age of Total War (IR) (HF)
HIST 4310 Gender & Power in Latin America
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War
HONOR 3214 Foundations in Social Sciences (DV) (BF)
LING 3470 Language & Culture
MKTG 4840 004 International Marketing
NV SC 2110 Evolution of Warfare
PHIL 3085 African American Phil
PHIL 3500 Ethics (HF)
PHIL 3640 World Religions (IR) (HF)
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy (HF)
POLS 2100 Intro Intntl Relation
POLS 3410 European Politics
POLS 3440 Comp Pol-Mid East
POLS 3550 Pol. of Latin America
POLS 3960 Politics of Russia
POLS 4400 Introduction to Islam
PSY 3450 Cross Cultural Psych
RELS 3620 Thinking about Religion
SOC 3650 Population & Society
ANTH 4138 Anthropology of Violence and Non-Violence (3)
ANTH 4141 Ethnicity and Nationalism (3)
ANTH 4182 Anthropology of Power (3)
COMM 3190 Intercultural Communication (3) (DV)
COMM 3490 Comm & Public Issues (Special Topics—May be taken 2 times for credit) (3), variable
COMM 5150 Dialogue & Cultural Studies (3), F
COMM 5200 Persuasion & Political Communication (3), F, Sp
COMM 5270 Theories of Argument (3), F, Sp
COMM 5300 Mass Communication Law (4)
COMM 5320 Freedom of Expression (3)
COMM 5340 Communication & Law (3)
COMM 5360 Environmental Communication (3)
COMM 5540 Media & Diversity (3) (DV)
COMM 5620 International Communication (3) (IR)
ECON 1060 The Political Economy of Race, Ethnicity, Class & Gender (3) (DV)
ECON 5120 Labor Law & Collective Bargaining (3)
ECON 5180 Poverty & Inequality
ENGL 5060 Studies in Rhetoric & Style (3)
ETHNC 3190 Racial & Ethnic Politics (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3400 Intercultural Communication (3) (DV)
ETHNC 3520 Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues (3) (DV)
GEOG 3420 Political Geography (3)
GEOG 3440 Global Economic Geography (3) (IR) (BF)
HIST 2100 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (3) (HF)
HIST 3020 Age of Alexander (3)
HIST 3210 Age of Total War (3) (IR) (HF)
HIST 3710 The American Revolution (3) (HF)
HIST 4310 Gender & Power in Latin America (3)
HIST 4320 America at War 1620-1898 (3)
HIST 4321 America at War 1898-1991 (3)
HIST 4420 The Crusades (3) (HF)
HIST 4430 The Middle East: Nation States (Special Topics) (3)
HIST 4510 Asia in the World (Special Topics) (3)
HIST 4750 U.S. Foreign Relations: Colonial Era to1898 (3)
HIST 4760 U.S. Foreign Relations: 20th Century (3)
HIST 4765 The Vietnam War (3)
HIST 4770 Warfare in the Modern World (3)
HONOR 3214 Foundations in Social Sciences (3) (DV) (BF)
NV SC 2110 Evolution of Warfare (3)
PHIL 3500 Ethics (3) (HF)
PHIL 3530 Environmental Ethics (3) (HF)
PHIL 3640 World Religions (3) (IR) (HF)
PHIL 3700 Political Philosophy (3) (HF)
PHIL 3710 Philosophy of Law (3)
PHIL 3730 Justice & International Affairs (3) (IR)HIL 5190
PHIL 5190 Philosophy of…Special Topics (3)
PHIL 5700 Advanced Political Philosophy (3)
POLS 3000 Liberalism & its Critics (3)
POLS 3420 Islam and Politics (3)
POLS 3490 Religion & Politics in Comparative Perspective (3)
POLS 3620 United Nations (3)
POLS 5440 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict (3)
POLS 5450 Political Violence/Terrorism (3)
POLS 5670 US National Security Policy (3)
SOC 1020 Current Social Problems in America (3) (BF)
THEA 3000 Grappling with Diversity & Multiculturalism Through the Arts (3) (DV)
THEA 3001 Zen and the Art of Eastern Theater (3) (FE)
THEA 1760 American Political Theater (3) (DV) (FF)
THEA 3210 Tai Chi Yoga Movement